Tag Archives: lev yilmaz

A position of power – Lev Yilmaz

19 Sep

Understanding that the most satisfying part about having any kind of power at all is the feeling that your opinions do matter and that people listen to you.

Still watching “Tales of mere existence”, still loving them.

Tales of mere existence – Lev Yilmaz

24 May

I like these videos… life just isn’t that eventful and exciting sometimes, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t talk about the other stuff that goes on. Some things are just absurd and confusing, and I like looking at those moments in life… they can be really funny sometimes, or they can just give you something valuable or interesting to think about.

This particular video of Lev Yilmaz, unlike his other ones, involves a collaboration with Adrienne Davich. It’s a story of a sort of couple… – I think many of us have more or less shared a similar experience when we were not actually dating someone, but there was still something going on… something we couldn’t really define – and it’s well, why don’t you just watch it, eh? 🙂

Anyway, I would encourage you to look up “Tales of mere existence” and decide for yourselves if they are boring, funny, interesting, annoying, artistic… or whatever :)… I’d really be curious to know what everyone else thinks!

My other favorite tales of mere existence are:

“I’m not going to think about her”, “Conversation”, “Boyfriends I have been”, “How to break up” and “Procrastination”. Enjoy!